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October 4 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More

If you are an October 4 zodiac, there are a number of things influencing your personality and astrological chart. Libras fall anywhere from September 23rd to October 22nd, depending on the calendar year. If you were born on October 4th, you are indeed a Libra, but what might this have to do with your personality, and what other associations might this birthday have? 

In this article, we will take a close and in-depth look at Libras, specifically Libras who were born on October 4th. Not only will we go over some planetary influences that may ring true to you, but we will also address what an October 4 zodiac is like in a relationship and beyond. Libras born on October 4th: this one’s for you! Let’s get started. 

October 4 Zodiac Sign: Libra

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It can be incredibly difficult to understand a Libra, given the fact that they pride themselves on seeing all sides of a situation.

©Mykhailo Bokovan/Shutterstock.com

A cardinal air sign symbolized primarily by scales and balance, those born under the sun sign of Libra have birthdays from September 23rd to October 22nd. An October 4th zodiac sign is primarily ruled by the planet Venus, which is the planet of love, pleasure, creativity, and aesthetics. If you are a Libra, you likely understand the importance of all of these things, particularly in your own life and in your relationships. 

It can be incredibly difficult to understand a Libra, given the fact that they pride themselves on seeing all sides of a situation. This objective viewpoint makes for a fantastic lawyer or diplomat, but it may be difficult to know what a Libra’s true intentions are as well as how they truly feel about something. They are capable of being anyone for anyone, which is both a blessing and a curse. 

Depending on when you were born during the Libra season, you may have additional planetary influences on your personality besides Venus. This is because all astrological signs take up 30° on the astrological wheel. However, these 30° increments can be further broken down into 10° slices, known as decans. These decans are ruled by signs found in the same element as your sun sign. Let’s take a closer look at this together. 

Decans of Libra

Your specific birthday determines what decan of Libra you belong to. Here is how the three Libra decans breakdown accordingly:

  • Libra decan, from September 23rd to roughly October 2nd: ruled by Venus and the most hyper-present Libra personality.
  • Aquarius decan, from October 3rd to roughly October 12th: ruled by Saturn and Uranus.
  • Gemini decan, from October 13th to roughly October 22nd: ruled by Mercury.

If you were born on October 4th, you belong to the Aquarius decan or the second decan of Libra. This gives you additional planetary influences from Saturn and Uranus, as well as some potential personality traits shared by this fellow air sign. Before we dive into the personality of a Libra born on October 4th, let’s take a closer look at all of the influences that are potentially part of your day-to-day life. 

October 4 Zodiac: Ruling Planets

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Venus helps a Libra truly understand the pleasures of life as well as their role in relation to others.


Primarily ruled by Venus, Libras inherently understand the importance of love and partnership. Aesthetic beauty, artistic endeavors, the people we socialize with, and the way we both give and take when it comes to pleasure are all aspects of this planet.

Venus helps a Libra truly understand the pleasures of life as well as their role in relation to others. Like their fellow air signs, Libras are inherently social creatures, keen on pleasing those in their life as well as the strangers they have yet to meet.

The sun travels through each astrological sign during certain times of the year, and this timing can greatly affect sun signs as a whole. Given that the Libra season begins as our days grow shorter, many people believe that the sun is in a fallen or less advantageous position when it is found in Libra. This is evident in the Libra personality, in a number of ways. We will address this in more detail later on.

If you are a Libra born on October 4th, you belong to the second decan or the Aquarius decan of Libra. This gives you additional planetary influence from both Saturn and Uranus, which act as secondary rulers after your primary ruler of Venus. Saturn and Uranus are very interesting planets, representing responsibility and disruption, respectively. 

A Libra born on October 4th likely values intellectual and off-the-wall pursuits more than the average libra, given their Aquarius influence. Aquarians are notorious for their grand ideas and strong desires for change, but this may play against a Libra’s natural desire to keep the peace. Let’s briefly discuss some other associations that could influence you, including numerology. 

October 4: Numerology and Other Associations

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Looking closely at an October 4th Libra in particular, the number four is present and activated in your life.


Represented by the scales, Libras are inherently associated with balance, justice, and general harmony. This is a sign that feels best when everything is in order and fair. However, this notion is difficult to achieve in day-to-day life, especially when you consider the fact that Libras want everyone to be happy and at peace. The average person has plenty of reasons why it is difficult to keep their scales balanced, something that the average Libra may struggle to comprehend.

Looking closely at an October 4th Libra in particular, the number four is present and activated in your life. This is a number of reliability, stability, and creation. We have four directions, four elements, and many other arcane connections to the number four. Having this number so present in your birthday likely means that you are a down-to-earth individual, capable of creating both a stable and practical home environment as well as plenty of artistic endeavors. 

Given that Libras are a cardinal sign, they are amazing at beginning projects, and many of them. However, many Libras struggle with procrastination, follow-through, and decision-making in general. The number four is an extremely hard-working number, which may help ground a Libra that is born on October 4th. Most air signs spend their time in the clouds, but the number four may help ground you and help you get jobs done! 

October 4 Zodiac: Personality Traits

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A Libra born on October 4th understands better than the average Libra how to direct their energies to create something beautiful.

© paseven/Shutterstock.com

The sun is in its fall when found in Libra, which essentially means that this is a location where it struggles to shine. When we think of the sun, we think of something at the center of our universe, which is why the sun shines brightest in Leo and the Leo time of year. When found in Libra, the sun struggles to shine because it enjoys being the center of attention, something that is inherently negative to a Libra who values fairness and harmony in all of their relationships. 

Libras are the ultimate people-pleasers and desire nothing more than peace and order, no matter the aspect of their life. However, Libras place this responsibility on their shoulders and often struggle to keep the peace on their own. This is especially the case when you consider the fact that Libras often don’t express themselves, preferring to know everything about you in order to perpetuate their vision of fairness. 

However, the desire to know everything about people makes a Libra incredibly charming, sociable, and lovely to be around. They are excellent friends and passionate lovers, with a witty way of conversing and an incisive intellect that may not be evident when you first meet them. This is especially true of a Libra born on October 4th, as you have additional influences from Aquarius, a notoriously intellectual and unique sign. 

At their core, Libras value beauty in all of its forms as well as a harmonious life. While even these two core concepts can cause friction, a Libra born on October 4th understands better than the average Libra how to direct their energies to create something beautiful.

Strengths and Weaknesses of October 4 Libras

Libras understand that empathizing and listening to others are both paths to true peace and harmony, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. This empathy runs deep, particularly in a Libra born on October 4th. Dedicated and intellectual, it is easy for this Libra to see and understand people entirely, free of judgment or disdain. 

However, with such great empathy, there is the opportunity to be taken advantage of. Libras often find themselves feeling disillusioned, unhappy, and used, particularly in relation to others. They are fantastic listeners, empathetic self-sacrificers, and desperate to keep the peace at all costs. This typically results in them undermining their own selves to avoid conflict or big decision-making. 

A Libra born on October 4th may also struggle with intellectualizing their emotions. A Libra already feels as if their thoughts and feelings don’t matter, especially if they are feeling negative. Negative emotions do not help keep the peace, something an October 4th Libra values more than others. However, it is important to express these negative thoughts and feelings, even if it makes a Libra feel briefly uncomfortable! 

October 4 Zodiac: Career and Passions

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A Libra born on October 4th may struggle with intellectualizing their emotions.

©Tanya Antusenok/Shutterstock.com

With fantastic grace and keen social insight, Libras do well in a variety of careers. This is a sign that appreciates aesthetics with an intellectual mind to back it up. However, this is also a cardinal sign that has difficulty making big decisions as well as maintaining a career for very long. An October 4th Libra will likely be more dedicated and committed than the average Libra, but their cardinal modality may still get in the way. 

Given that October 4th zodiac signs belong to the second decan of Libra, they may also feel influenced by both Saturn and Uranus to take responsibility in an abnormal way. Uranus is the planet of disruption and Saturn is the planet of hard work, which tends to manifest in mold-breaking careers and ideas. When combined with a Libra’s propensity for justice, a Libra born on October 4th understands how to implement these big ideas in a way that pleases everyone involved. 

A career in law is obvious for a Libra, as well as a career in diplomacy or mediation. It is easy for a Libra to find an objective solution or compromise, making them adept in these professions. However, Libras also value beauty and love, something that may be lacking in a solely intellectual career. They are excellent curators as well as art enthusiasts in any form. Plus, a Libra born on October 4th may find themselves drawn to things a bit more unique and interesting, given their Aquarius influences.

Some potential careers and interests for Libras born on October 4th include:

  • Lawyer or judge
  • Designers, in many fields
  • Wedding planner
  • Diplomat or advocate
  • Writer or journalist
  • Influencer or fashion model
  • Curator of fine goods or artistic endeavors

October 4 Zodiac in Relationships

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A Libra born on October 4th may long for a secure foundation in a relationship, and they likely have the tenacity to achieve this.


Given Libra’s natural inclination to compromise, they are beautiful partners in a relationship – at first. Partnership and love are very important aspects of the Libra personality, which is why they often spend much of the early stages of any relationship keeping the peace. It is incredibly easy for a Libra to put on a good face and do what they need to do, for the sake of the partnership. 

A Libra born on October 4th may long for a secure foundation in a relationship, and they likely have the tenacity to achieve this. However, like all Libras, an October 4th zodiac needs to remember to say what they truly feel. This can be incredibly difficult, given the intellectual nature of this air sign and their desire to maintain a stable partnership. 

At their best, a Libra brings vibrancy, passion, and beauty to any relationship. This is a person that may also be beautiful to look at and listen to, given their dedication to aesthetics. At their worst, a Libra may become someone they don’t recognize in order to satisfy the person that they are with. It’s a slippery slope, which is why it’s important for a Libra born on October 4th to show their true selves as early and as often as they can in any partnership. 

Compatibility for October 4 Zodiacs

Despite their sociable natures and charm, Libras are very specific when it comes to who they choose as a partner. They are incredibly discerning and seek someone who can keep them entertained, for lack of a better word. A Libra born on October 4th will place more value in intellectual relationships and conversations, as well as the potential stability of another person. 

Libras are more compatible with people who can appreciate the beauty of the world, both on a minute and grand scale. They will want to incorporate passion and beauty into their everyday lives, especially their relationships. An October 4th Libra places a lot of stake into their partnerships, particularly one that they believe to be long-term and long-lasting. 

No matter who they are with, Libras need to make sure that they aren’t being taken advantage of by their partner. This involves loving a careful and selfless person, but it also involves a Libra voicing their true intentions, feelings, and thoughts. This can be incredibly scary for a Libra to do, especially if it results in a minor conflict, but this is the only way for the relationship to survive. 

Matches for October 4 Zodiac

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No matter who they are with, Libras need to make sure that they aren’t being taken advantage of by their partner.


Whether you were born on October 4th or love someone born on October 4th, here are some potential matches that do well for this birthday:

  • Aquarius. A Libra born on October 4th will feel a strong connection to most Aquarian sun signs. Also an air sign, Aquarians are highly intellectual and capable of seeing the beauty that an average Libra sees. This partnership can be difficult because both signs have trouble opening up to the other, but they can truly create something beautiful when they do. 
  • Aries. Opposite Libra on the astrological wheel, Aries is a cardinal fire sign. They bring a passion and momentum to a Libra relationship that is likely refreshing and fascinating. However, Aries can be brash and interested in conflict, something that the average Libra likely won’t enjoy. 
  • Virgo. While Libras tend to get along best with other air signs, the highly intellectual Virgo may appeal to them as well. A mutable earth sign, Virgos understand the importance of hard work and building a relationship, and they are also patient enough to work with a Libra when they struggle to say how they truly feel. 

The post October 4 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More appeared first on AZ Animals.

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