As long as humans have been looking at the stars, they have looked to them for meaning. In the ancient world astrology and astronomy were one and the same. The first signs of astrology in human civilization come from Ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. However, the form of Western astrology many people are most familiar with today comes from Ancient Greece, with many other influences.
From Ancient Greece, this type of astrology spread to the Middle East and other areas of the world, before returning to Europe in the Middle Ages and developing into the form we know it today over the centuries. There are other forms of astrology that are not connected to Hellenistic astrology, namely Chinese astrology. However, other forms of astrology including Jewish astrology and Vedic astrology are based on Hellenistic astrology as the culture of Ancient Greece spread throughout the world, though astrology from these other cultures also has other elements not found in Western astrology.
June 27 Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Were you born on June 27? Then your sun sign in astrology is Cancer. The sun goes through this constellation between June 21 and July 22.
The symbol for Cancer is the crab. Cancers do have some crabby elements to their personalities. They can be hard to get to know due to a hard outer shell but are soft and sweet on the inside. Cancers carry their homes on their backs and make amazing home spaces wherever they go. They can be “crabby” and also have claws that come out, but only when necessary. This sign likes to “sidestep” issues rather than deal with them head-on, much like the crab often walks to the side. They also live in two worlds – the physical world and the emotional/intuitive world – just like a crab can live in water and walk on land.
Cancers are also known as one of the most emotional and intuitive signs. To those who are not fellow water signs, their intuition can seem to have a supernatural quality. It’s hard to lie to a Cancer or even try to give them a surprise party without them having suspicion. Their emotional nature can lead them to become moody or even depressed. Luckily, their moods can shift quickly so if a Cancer is depressed today, they may feel better or differently with the next phase of the moon.
Cancers are a very nurturing sign. They love their families, whether that means blood or chosen family. Cancers relish every opportunity to care for those they love. This can translate into being the “parent” of the friend group who makes sure that everyone stays hydrated during a wild night out or literally becoming a stay-at-home parent. Cancers may have a special interest in fertility or creating a family to care for. As natural nurturers, Cancers can become great cooks. However, their love of nurturing can lead Cancers to put their own needs to the side too often, leading to burnout and depression.
The Decans of Cancer
People born on June 27th fall into the first decan of Cancer. Decans are smaller sections of each zodiac sign that last for about 10 days and have slightly different qualities from the other decans. People born between June 21 and July 1 are in this first decan. Those born during this time may be more romantic and even more in touch with their emotions than other Cancers.
Cancer Rules the 4th House
In addition to the 12 signs of the zodiac, there are 12 houses in the zodiac chart. Each of these houses rules a different area of life. Cancer rules over the 4th house, the house of home, history, family, and putting down roots. Each person has a different sign for their 4th house that shades their experiences with home and family. Additionally, when planets transit through your 4th house, you may experience harmony or disruption in your home life.
June 27 Zodiac Ruling Planet: The Moon

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Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by a celestial element. Cancer is the only sign that is ruled by The Moon. This luminary is part of what gives Cancer its incredible intuition and deep emotions. The Moon has long been associated with psychic abilities and visions, spirituality, and the subconscious. So, Cancers are deep feelers and thinkers. They may be attracted to spiritual pursuits or unexplainable phenomena.
The moon also changes frequently. Each month it passes through every single sign of the zodiac, changing signs about every 2.5 days. It also goes through eight phases which are:
- New Moon
- Waxing crescent
- First quarter
- Waxing gibbous
- Full Moon
- Waning gibbous
- Third quarter
- Waning crescent
With all these changes, Cancers’ moods are bound to change frequently with the moon. The good news about this is that if a Cancer is upset with you, they may feel differently tomorrow. The difficult news is that Cancers can often have emotions that seem truly unexplainable to those around them.
June 27 Zodiac Ruling Element: Water

Water brings another layer of emotionality and intuition to the sign of Cancer. All water signs have these qualities. Water signs are also generally creative. Some may be drawn to the arts, but others can become creative in unique ways. Water signs love security whether that looks like security in relationships or at work. So, a Cancer who craves stability may put a love of visual arts into a career in graphic design.
While water signs can seem to the naked eye to be weak and emotional, they should not be underestimated. Water is a powerful force that can be destructive when it is raging. It can interact constructively or destructively with all of the other elements. When mixed with fire it can create steam or put out the fire completely; when mixed with earth it can create mud or fertile land, or it can create destructive mudslides; and when mixed with air it can create life-giving rain or completely saturate the air to stop air’s movement completely. Water signs prefer to be flexible and flowing, but when they need to, they can become a powerful force.
June 27 Zodiac: Cardinal Sign
Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs. These signs come at the start of each season and are considered the leaders of the zodiac. They are generally doers and come up with great ideas. Cancers are likely to spearhead home projects and creative ideas. They get along well with others as long as there is a long-term plan. They may not deal the best with last-minute changes, but by working on accepting what is happening and living in the moment, Cancers can find a way to go with the flow within their pre-conceived plan.
June 27 Numerology and Other Associations
Numerology is the study of numbers as it relates to peoples’ personalities and futures. If you add 2 + 7 you get 9. This is the last number in numerology because most numbers are simplified down to a single digit. As it is the last number, people with this number have a bit of each of the other numbers within them. So, 9s are pretty versatile in life and can usually roll with whatever comes their way. This number is also quite romantic on a deep level, similar to the astrological sign Cancer.
If you add 2 + 7 + 6 (because June is the 6th month) you get 15. Then you add 1 + 5 to simplify it down to 6. This number is all about beauty. People with this number may be a bit flirtatious, but also very loyal to those they love the most. They can be a bit shallow and prefer to spend their money on showy things. Similar to Cancer, people with this number also love to nurture.
June 27 Birthstone
The birthstones for June are perfect choices for Cancer because they relate to the moon or to the mystical qualities of Cancer. They are pearl, moonstone, and alexandrite. There are also alternative birthstone choices for June 27 birthdays including:
- Emerald for Cancer zodiac sign
- Emerald for guardian angel Muriel
- Ruby for the summer season
- Agate based on traditional Polish & Russian birthstones
- Chalcedony based on traditional Russian birthstones
June 27 Zodiac Personality and Traits
Cancers have some common personality traits that are based solely on their sun signs. However, it’s not possible to fully determine someone’s personality based only on their sun signs. There is a whole astrology chart full of even more information. Further, astrology can’t always be used to predict how someone will be. It is often a better tool to explain why things happened than a divination tool. Additionally, each trait has more easeful and more challenging aspects. With all that in mind, these are some common Cancer traits.
Cancers love to provide for those they love. They enjoy cooking for their friends, attending special events for family members, and sending care packages. However, they can stretch themselves too thin and forget to care for themselves. When this happens a Cancer is in danger of falling into a depressive episode caused by burnout.
Cancers may be a bit hard to get to know, with their tough exterior. However, once you have passed their hard shell they will be a loyal friend or lover. They don’t let people go out of their lives easily. This is a great quality for lifelong friendships and long-term relationships. However, Cancers can allow people to walk all over them because they value loyalty so highly. They can stay in friendships and relationships with people who take advantage of their kind and caring nature for far too long. They can even stay in abusive situations and overlook red flags because of their love of loyalty.
Cancers are quite sentimental, and this goes along with their loyal quality. They value things that have been given to them by people they love. They also don’t let go of people very easily. If you are in a relationship with a Cancer, don’t be surprised if they are still friends with their ex. Cancers can also have a packrat nature because they sometimes have a hard time letting go of objects. However, it will usually manifest in a neat and curated clutter because a Cancer loves to be comfortable at home.
Ok, Cancers aren’t exactly psychic, but their intuition is on a level that has the potential to shock most other people. They can pick up the vibe in a room and infer what is going on with the group in a minute. This is part of what makes them such potent nurturers. They can often predict what people need without words. However, this quality is what can lead them to “side-step” issues like the crab. They always know what is going on with everyone without saying anything, so they get frustrated when other people aren’t as intuitive. They don’t want to talk about issues with their words, but they can avoid a lot of conflict by learning to do so.
June 27 Zodiac Career and Passions

Cancers often find happiness in careers that allow them to nurture others. They may become medical professionals, like a nurse, medical assistant, or doctor. They also find success in the mental health field because they are great listeners and can use their strong intuition. More open-minded Cancers may be happy in esoteric fields that allow their intuition to shine. These jobs include things like tarot reader, psychic medium, and astrologer. Childcare is another great option for a Cancer. They can become a daycare provider, nanny, or preschool teacher and enjoy that. Cancers can do great in restaurant work as well. They can become an accomplished chef or enjoy nurturing people by serving them. Cancers may particularly enjoy becoming personal chefs, which allows them to care for their clients more directly than through restaurant work.
An unconventional option for Cancer includes a financial advisor. Their love of security makes Cancer great with money, stereotypically. They can enjoy nurturing others by helping them get their finances in order. Other unconventional ways for Cancer to show off their nurturing skills include careers in hotels, interior design, and as an office manager.
June 27 Zodiac In Relationships
As mentioned, in relationships, Cancers are loyal, emotional, and deeply nurturing. However, Cancers need to work on maintaining their own identity in all sorts of relationships, including romantic ones. It is really easy for them to become so identified with their partner that they forget about who they are and neglect other friendships or hobbies.
They also need to work on being able to let people go. It can take a Cancer a long time to get over a breakup. It can take so long that they miss other opportunities for love in their life. In order to move on more quickly, Cancers can dig into the other loyal relationships of their life including their friends and family.
When you start dating a Cancer, you might feel like its hard to get to know them at first. This is just their hard outer shell. If you make it past the first few dates, you will find a warm, romantic person. Once you are in a relationship a Cancer can seem clingy to those who like more space in relationships. But for those who like to become more deeply entangled with their partner, a relationship with a Cancer is a dream. The challenge for some other less emotional or romantic signs is to make a Cancer feel secure and return their affection at the same level.
June 27 Zodiac Compatibility
The two best matches for a Cancer might be a Scorpio or a Taurus. Scorpio is a fellow water sign that feels deeply and wants a deeply committed relationship. Taurus is also very home and comfort-oriented, so when paired with Cancer, the two can make a comfy home-based long-term relationship.
The worst matches for a Cancer might be any of the fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These signs are passionate, which can match Cancer’s love of romance. However, they do not prefer stability. They love traveling and some have a very different view of what stability means than a security-loving Cancer. Additionally, fire signs are…fiery! Their blatant passion during conflicts is the antithesis of the way that Cancers prefer to deal with problems.
June 27 Zodiac Mythology

There are two symbols that relate to Cancer which have roots in ancient mythology that give flavor to this sign. First, the Moon. The Greek goddess Selene represented the Moon. She was a romantic deity who also ruled over intuition and was said to give people visions. Selene, also called Luna in Ancient Rome, was also very family oriented, in her own way, like Cancers. She had more than 50 children!
The crab also has many similarities to the personalities of Cancers, as previously mentioned. The myth of the crab comes from Heracles’ story. (Heracles is the name of the Greek version of Hercules.) Hera, a Greek goddess, sent a giant crab to distract Heracles while he was fighting an even bigger beast – a nine-headed hydra. After Heracles defeated the crab easily, Hera immortalized it for its service to her by sending it into the sky as a constellation.
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