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April 20 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More

Knowing the zodiac sign for an April 20 zodiac birthday can be trickier than first expected. This is largely due to the fact that this is a day in which one sign transitions into another, and it can be difficult to know what sign you are without knowing your specific birth time. However, by most accounts and calendars, an April 20th birthday signifies the very first day of Taurus season!

As Aries season transitions into this fixed earth sign, an April 20 zodiac may feel this transition more than other Taurus birthdays. But what else might you notice about yourself by studying astrology, numerology, and symbolism? If you’re an April 20th Taurus, now’s the time to learn about yourself and your own unique birthday!

April 20 Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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In many ways, Tauruses represent a deep, strong earth.

©Golden Dayz/Shutterstock.com

The second sign on the astrological wheel, Taurus falls during the fixed time of spring in the northern hemisphere. The springtime season is at its peak during this time of the year, with flowers and new life in full bloom! Tauruses thrive in this fixed, stable season, learning how to fully appreciate the beauty and earthy wonders we see day after day. As Taurus season progresses, we may notice some different personalities manifest as we travel through the decans.

But what exactly are decans, and why might they matter? Well, an April 20th Taurus likely won’t care as much about decans as a Taurus born later in the season. This is because the first ten days (or ten degrees) of Taurus season represent a Taurus personality to a T, while all other days or degrees have a secondary rulership by fellow earth signs, Virgo or Capricorn, depending. Let’s take a closer look at how the decans of Taurus work in relation to your birthday.

The Decans of Taurus

If decans seem confusing right now, let’s clear them up. As each sign moves through its own season, it passes through decans that are co-ruled by signs belonging to the same element as the season we are in. So, if you’re a Taurus, here’s how the decans look, manifest, and influence your birthday:

  • Taurus decan. The very first decan of Taurus, ruled solely by Taurus and the planet Venus. This spans from roughly April 20th to April 29th, depending on the calendar year and represents the most obvious Taurus personality.
  • Virgo decan. The second and middle decan of Taurus, ruled by Venus and Mercury in conjunction. This spans from roughly April 30th to May 9th, depending on the calendar year. People born in this decan will have some Virgo personality traits and interests.
  • Capricorn decan. The third and final decan of Taurus, ruled by Venus and Saturn in conjunction. This spans from roughly May 10th to May 20th, depending on the calendar year. People born in this final Taurus decan will have some Capricorn traits and interests.

Having an April 20th birthday means that you are the very first possible Taurus birthday, which is why you likely understand the bull better than many other birthdays or decans! Venus is your one and only planetary influence and it’s about time we discussed this influence.

Ruling Planets of an April 20 Zodiac

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In many ways, Venus asks Taurus to take stock of the abundance of their lives and fully appreciate it.


Responsible for our pleasures, sensory processing, and devotion to art, beauty, and abundance, Venus is a very special ruling planet. Taurus season is a luxurious and indulgent time of the year, largely thanks to Venus’s influence on this sign. If you’re a Taurus, you likely know how to indulge yourself and those around you, in whatever way you deem special. This could be anything from an involved home-cooked meal or an elaborate museum date!

Venus rules how we love and how we express our love. It is also a planet associated with the senses, asking us how we can use all 5 senses to maximize our daily pleasure. Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus; both of these signs value different aspects of this complicated planet. While Libra values aesthetic harmony and fairness, both things associated with Venus, Taurus values the simplicity and beauty that comes with observation and dedication.

In many ways, Venus asks Taurus to take stock of the abundance of their lives and fully appreciate it. An April 20th Taurus likely understands just how much wealth there is to share during Taurus season. It’s springtime, after all, a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, and new life. A Taurus relishes in the new life offered to them by Venus, appreciating it fully on a daily level.

However, a potential drawback to Venus’s rule could be the notion of overindulgence. It’s incredibly easy for both Libra and Taurus to go too far, especially when it comes to spending, eating, or any other type of indulgence. While earth signs are typically associated with a practical frugalness, Tauruses may struggle more than other earth signs in this department!

April 20: Numerology and Other Associations

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Like bulls, it’s extremely difficult to get a Taurus to do what you want unless you provoke them!

©GTS Productions/Shutterstock.com

As the very first birthday of Taurus season, numerology may play a special role in your birthday. When we consider the number 20, the number 2 is integral to your own individual identity. This is a number of harmony, partnership, and cooperation, a number that naturally asks you to share yourself with others. However, this number is also inherently tied to duality, to our ever-shifting sides and personalities, especially when we note that the number 2 is ruled over by the moon.

As a Taurus with such a desire to cooperate, you may find that there are many different sides to you, depending on who you are spending time with. Having so many different faces or phases may help you better form relationships with others, and even close partnerships. However, in the duality of the number 2 comes an inherent deceit; it may benefit this Taurus to not be too much to everyone, taking some time to focus on themselves!

Besides a longing for close partnerships or relationships, a Taurus born on this particular day is obviously associated with a bull. All Tauruses are connected to this animal, an animal known for its reliability, power, and independent nature. While bullfighting is indeed an aspect to this creature, most bulls truly prefer being left alone, looking after their fellow cattle and protecting them when necessary.

Watching over and protecting others with your strength and grounded nature may come easy to you. However, it’s important to note that all Tauruses have a stubborn side to them, something that is best left alone. Like bulls, it’s extremely difficult to get a Taurus to do what you want unless you provoke them!

April 20 Zodiac: Personality and Traits of a Taurus

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Mastery is certainly a positive trait that can be associated with Taurus.

©Vadim Sadovski/Shutterstock.com

In many ways, Tauruses represent a deep, strong earth. As a fixed earth sign, Tauruses are stable, reliable, and practical, capable of understanding our physical world better than most other signs. This is evident in the ways they choose to process our world, most of which are physical and tangible ways. Tauruses thrive in the tangible, with two feet planted confidently in the soil. This is a person who might struggle with abstract thinking or emotional interpretation.

The placement of Taurus on the astrological wheel is also extremely important. When we think of the wheel as passing through times of our life, all signs from Aries to Gemini represent teens and younger. The second sign of the zodiac (another connection that an April 20 zodiac has to the number 2!), Tauruses represent youth, children that are ages 4 and younger.

This link can be made when we think about toddlers and how they process their entire world sensorily. Children are constantly touching, seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling everything for the first time. In many ways, so is a Taurus. They interpret this world and luxuriate in our world using their senses. An April 20th Taurus likely wants to use their senses to explore this world with someone by their side.

The fixed modality of Taurus is also evident in their personality. In many ways, it’s incredibly easy for a Taurus to stay. This is an astrological sign capable of growing moss, if you will. Their staying power is incredible, though this pillar of strength may need to be moved more often than they want. A Taurus isn’t quick to change, even if they know it will be good for them to do so!

Strengths and Weaknesses of Taurus

Besides an inherent stubbornness, there are a few other Taurus weaknesses worth mentioning. Predictability may also be a weakness associated with this sign, though there is always reliability in predictability. Some other signs of the zodiac may notice how predictable a Taurus is when it comes to their interests, likes, and routines, and note that this is a negative quality. Other signs may appreciate this predictability and see it as a mark of mastery and comfort.

Mastery is certainly a positive trait that can be associated with Taurus. An April 20th Taurus in particular understands the importance of completing things, of sticking with something or someone long enough to fully understand them. This is a sign that doesn’t move on until they have completed something, and it is more likely for a Taurus to become an expert in one thing than a dabbler in many things.

The calm and present nature of a Taurus is truly beautiful. They see every detail and remember every interaction. This is a loyal sign that makes a great friend, and an April 20th Taurus is a friend to many. However, it’s important for this sign to consider the opinions of others more often than they might currently. This is definitely a sign that might struggle to be influenced by others, even when they may need this most of all!

Career Choices for an April 20 Zodiac

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A Taurus doesn’t necessarily need a job that gives them plenty of attention or recognition.

© paseven/Shutterstock.com

A Taurus might be one of the best workers in the zodiac. All earth signs carry with them a sense of ambition, good work ethic, and perseverance, and an April 20th Taurus is no exception. This may be a person who works well in a partnership career or a close-knit team, given their connection to the number 2. Close relationships in the workplace may benefit and encourage this birthday more than others.

A Taurus doesn’t necessarily need a job that gives them plenty of attention or recognition. No, in many ways, a Taurus prefers to be in the background, doing the work and putting in the hours that no one else really wants to do. Routine and repetitive careers, ones that offer a Taurus some predictability, may work best for this sign. Automotive, culinary, and other hands-on careers will certainly appeal to them.

A Taurus should pay special attention to the wages offered by their job of choice. Given that this sign can truly work well in a variety of careers, from performing arts to fabrication, it’s important to make sure that a Taurus is getting paid adequately. This is a sign that is easily taken advantage of in the workplace, given their dedicated personality. Plus, a Taurus likes to indulge, so ensuring they have enough money to do this regularly might be a good idea!

April 20 Zodiac in a Relationships and Love

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The fixed nature of Taurus makes for a person that will want to nest with their partner, and immediately.


With a fixed modality and so many connections to the number 2, a Taurus born on April 20th likely craves a significant relationship. This earth sign loves to commit, though it may take the shy and brash bull a little while to find someone to settle down with. However, once an April 20th zodiac sign finds their desired partner, it shouldn’t take them too long to open up and lock it down!

There’s no shortage of loyalty and love in a Taurus partnership. The bull adores lavishing their partner with gifts, romantic dates, and intimate conversations. Loving a Taurus means loving their routine, their things, their home. This is a homebody of a sign, something that’s important to note if you’re a more active romantic partner. 

Don’t misunderstand– a Taurus will enjoy any dates that involve the senses, including active hikes or excursions. But they will need you to see their routine and appreciate all of the little things that a Taurus experiences daily. They will want to show you their daily walking path with their dog or their favorite cafes or their typical binge-watching shows. The fixed nature of Taurus makes for a person that will want to nest with their partner, and immediately.

Keep in mind that a Taurus is indeed stubborn as a bull sometimes, even a person born on April 20th. Despite their desire for a partnership, most Tauruses need to be with someone who isn’t trying to change or reshape them. They have their opinions, quirks, and traditions– there’s very little that you can do to alter these things!

Potential Matches and Compatibility for April 20 Zodiac Signs

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Tauruses will adore the way a Pisces interprets the simple beauty of daily life.


Given that earth signs are grounded, stable, and intellectual, this is a sign that does best with fellow earth signs. Likewise, water signs nourish earth signs emotionally, which may help a Taurus born on April 20th. Emotional expression isn’t a Taurus’s strong suit, so having someone in their life that can better facilitate this may be a good idea.

Remember: there are no truly incompatible matches in astrology. However, here are some traditionally compatible sun signs when paired with Taurus:

  • Capricorn. A fellow earth sign, Capricorns match incredibly well with Tauruses. While the cardinal modality of Capricorn may make them a bit bossy at first, Tauruses will enjoy a Capricorn’s ambition, stability, and intellect. Plus, both of these signs work incredibly hard, which may help them have the income needed to fully enjoy life!
  • Pisces. As a mutable water sign, Pisces readily flows around the stable pillar of the Taurus personality. They are caretakers of the zodiac alongside Virgo, helping a Taurus both physically and emotionally. Plus, Tauruses will adore the way a Pisces interprets the simple beauty of daily life, something that both of these signs relish.
  • Cancer. Ruled by the moon (which is connected to the number 2!), Cancers and Tauruses make beautiful homes together. The home is incredibly important to both of these signs, and these signs are also quick to settle down together. Cancers will help nourish a Taurus’s emotional world, while a Taurus will be a stable foundation for moon-ruled Cancer.

The post April 20 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More appeared first on AZ Animals.

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