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December 25 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More

As a December 25 zodiac, you belong to the sign of Capricorn. Anyone born from December 22nd to January 19th (depending on the calendar year) is a Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign represented by a sea goat. But what does all of this have to do with your personality, and what other associations might there be with your birthday in particular?

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the personality, passions, and compatibility of the average Capricorn, but specifically a Capricorn born on December 25th. While your traits and interests are influenced by the rest of your birth chart, your sun sign in Capricorn has plenty of fascinating things to say about you all on its own. Let’s get started!

December 25 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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As a sign with a cardinal modality, Capricorns are natural-born leaders with plenty of ideas, inciting energy, and goals.

©iStock.com/Hanna Udod

The 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorns are representative of hard work, stability, and ambition. This is a sign that is unafraid of rolling up their sleeves and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. In fact, this earth sign rarely believes that a job is done. They prefer to constantly improve, streamline, and compete with their own inner workings to achieve greater and greater things.

As a sign with a cardinal modality, Capricorns are natural-born leaders with plenty of ideas, inciting energy, and goals. Their earth element association makes them responsible, intellectual, and critical. Speaking of earth, you may have further connections with other earth signs, depending on when your birthday falls during Capricorn season.

Each zodiac sign takes up 30 degrees of the astrological wheel. But did you know that these 30-degree increments can be further dissected into ten-degree increments known as decans? Decans represent secondary rulers of your sign, depending on when your birthday is. Let’s break down the decans of Capricorn now, to help clear things up.

The Decans of Capricorn

Each zodiac sign is secondarily ruled by other signs that belong to the same element. The decans of Capricorn are ruled by Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. This is one of many reasons why people with the same sun sign may behave differently from each other. Depending on when you were born and the calendar year, the decans of Capricorn break down as follows:

  • Capricorn decan. Depending on the year, this spans anywhere from December 22nd to roughly December 31st. It is ruled by Saturn and the most hyper-present Capricorn personality.
  • Taurus decan. Spanning January 1st to roughly January 9th. Ruled by Venus.
  • Virgo decan. Spanning January 10th to roughly January 19th. Ruled by Mercury.

If you have a birthday on December 25th, then you belong to the first decan of Capricorn. You represent the Capricorn personality to a T and are only ruled over by Saturn, making your ambition and drive ever present in your life. Let’s take a closer look at your ruling planets as well as any other associations you might have with your birthday.

December 25 Zodiac: Ruling Planets

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Saturn brings a huge sense of morality and work ethic to the average Capricorn.


Ringed, huge, and the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn boasts a responsibility and accountability in our birth charts. Often associated with a Saturn return (a period of great change and refocusing in our lives, typically from ages 27-30), Saturn is at home in the sign of Capricorn. This is likely because Capricorn is incredibly disciplined, as well as ambitious.

Saturn brings a huge sense of morality and work ethic to the average Capricorn. This is a planet that understands what it means to work toward something that not only benefits the individual but the majority. A Capricorn brings their cardinal modality and leadership to everything they do, but this can come at quite a cost.

While Saturn knows that responsibility and hard work make someone stronger, Capricorns take this mentality to the extreme. Often called workaholics, Capricorns (especially ones born in the first decan like a December 25 zodiac) are constantly challenging themselves to do better, go further, and reach higher. 

While this internal competition may begin healthily and lead a Capricorn to new heights, Saturn may expect too much from this diligent earth sign. Burnout is easy for a Capricorn to encounter, and they may even grow impatient with the people in their lives that aren’t aiming as high. Saturn is an extremely rational planet, with little room for emotional evaluations. This can make a Capricorn fantastic in a crisis, but difficult when it comes to matters of the heart.

December 25: Numerology and Other Associations

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Capricorns are simultaneous rulers of both land and sea.

©Kevin Standage/Shutterstock.com

Despite the typical Capricorn struggle when it comes to their own emotions, they are more intuitive with the emotions of others than you might expect. Much of this intuition can be credited to the sea goat, a symbol of the constellation of Capricorn. With a fish tail and a goat’s hoof, Capricorns are simultaneous rulers of both land and sea.

This gives them the ability to use their cardinal modality to stand firm in their own beliefs, with a down-to-earth attitude. And, at the same time, the sea goat can traverse the watery natures of our emotional climates. Capricorns make fantastic advocates and leaders because of their ability to intuit people’s feelings without giving in to their own.

When it comes to a December 25 zodiac, we need to do a bit of math first. Adding 2+5 gives us 7, which is a fantastic number to have associated with this sign. Associated with wisdom, spirituality, and deeper meanings, the number 7 likely helps a December 25th Capricorn seek out the truth and the answers to some of life’s biggest questions.

While this is likely something the average Capricorn is capable of pursuing in the first place, a Capricorn born on December 25th delves deeper. With Saturn to help guide you, you may find yourself pursuing answers all your life. However, the number 7 brings with it a suspicious nature, often when it comes to others.

The number 7 makes a Capricorn invested in the pursuit of knowledge, which is often a solitary ordeal. While a Capricorn with connections to such an intellectual number may benefit greatly from this pursuit of knowledge and the unknown, it’s important for this sign to remember that close relationships also matter.

December 25 Zodiac: Personality Traits

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A Capricorn born on December 25th will want to lead, albeit in their subtle, quiet way.

© paseven/Shutterstock.com

As the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn follows Sagittarius. As the heralds of personal freedom, Sagittarians teach Capricorns how important it is to be a self-possessed, free-thinking individual. With Saturn influencing a Capricorn, they translate this lesson from Sagittarius and use it as a source of strength. This is to say: Capricorns are deeply independent and know that they have obligations, but these obligations are all their own, to be shared by no one else.

Because Saturn has a huge influence on this cardinal sign, propelling each and every Capricorn into a life of work, dedication, and commitment. It is easy for a Capricorn to commit to something, which cannot always be said of fellow cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, and Cancer). A December 25th Capricorn in particular knows that their ability to dedicate themselves is unmatched by any other sign.

The earth sign influence on Capricorn makes the sea goat practical and realistic, almost to a fault. They are interested in making money and the material, with the intellect and skills to back up a high-powered career. On the flip side, Capricorns are dedicated in the home as well, nurturing and loving to the select few that they choose to spend their life with. 

A Capricorn born on December 25th will want to lead, albeit in their subtle, quiet way. This is an earth sign who is dedicated to a strong foundation, capable of observing others and intuiting how they can best lay a path to their goals. While it may take a Capricorn ages to open up emotionally or make a change in their personal life, this is a sign that is unafraid to see things through.

Strengths and Weaknesses of December 25 Capricorn

Work and accomplishing difficult tasks are the bread and butter of a December 25th Capricorn. They enjoy ambition more than power as if the act of striving is empowering enough. However, this is a lonely path to walk, particularly for a Capricorn born on December 25th. It can be extremely difficult for a Capricorn to admit that they need people in their lives, both in friendships and romantic relationships.

This isn’t to say that a Capricorn is cold or above emotions and close connections. They desperately crave them, as do we all. However, they invest so much time in their careers or personal goals that many people assume Capricorns don’t have time for them. It takes loads of time for a Capricorn to open up, but it is a beautiful thing when it happens.

Here are some other strengths and weaknesses associated with Capricorns:

December 25 Zodiac: Career and Passions

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No matter the career a Capricorn chooses, they will excel at it.

©Tanya Antusenok/Shutterstock.com

The cardinal modality of Capricorn makes them adept in leadership positions. A December 25th Capricorn may be passionate about the unknown or other intellectual pursuits, some of which may be spiritual or occult in nature. Researching and uncovering facts will also appeal to a Capricorn, particularly one born on December 25th, as the number 7 holds a strong intellectual influence over this birthday.

No matter the career a Capricorn chooses, they will excel at it. This is a sign that doesn’t stop improving and working until they have reached the top of the ladder. Earth signs are among the most dedicated and hardworking signs of the zodiac, and Capricorns learned from Sagittarius the importance of doing things for yourself, on your own terms.

Stability is key for a Capricorn to feel happy, which is why they often choose high-paying careers (money is the root of stability in our modern era, after all). This stability can come in many other forms, but it is unlikely that a Capricorn will enjoy someone else manipulating them or using their fantastic work ethic for their own gains. While this is a sign that may stay in a career far longer than they should, it’s important for a Capricorn to have some say in the way their calloused hands are used.

Here are some potential careers that may speak to a December 25th Capricorn:

  • CEO or head of an organization
  • Military leader or personnel
  • Financial planner
  • Researcher of any type
  • Doctor or medical researcher
  • Self-employed opportunities
  • Manager in any career (so long as there’s potential to move up the ladder)

December 25 Zodiac in Relationships

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A December 25 zodiac will be someone who conceals their emotions.


It can take time for a Capricorn to open themselves up in a relationship. Because, while a Capricorn understands their value in the workplace, their place in a romantic relationship often comes with uncharted territory. While a December 25th Capricorn will enjoy uncovering this uncharted territory, it may take them a while to set off on this journey, so to speak.

This is because so much of a Capricorn’s energies are devoted to working. Love and emotions typically take a backseat in a Capricorn’s mind, at least until they realize that they love someone they can’t live without. Once this clicks into place, a Capricorn is ready for commitment. Given that the practical and day-to-day are easily handled by Capricorns, it doesn’t take long for them to lay the foundation for a forever relationship.

A December 25 zodiac will be someone who conceals their emotions. This is a method of protection, something that isn’t necessarily meant to be duplicitous. Capricorns struggle often when it comes to expressing themselves, though they have a very cool and put-together presence on the surface. However, once they take an interest in someone romantically (likely because this someone has taken the time to get to know them), their pragmatic natures take over. They will want to make plans.

Plans are everything to a Capricorn, especially in a relationship. Progress means happiness, though Capricorns may have a bossy and blunt way of achieving this in love. Many people struggle with a Capricorn’s observations because they aren’t afraid of telling their partner what needs improving in a relationship. Likewise, a Capricorn will start to feel insecure in a relationship if they believe they aren’t achieving as much as their partner, particularly financially.

Compatibility for December 25 Zodiacs

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While a Capricorn born on December 25th has plenty of their own power and ambition, they will likely be seeking a match with someone equally strong.

©iStock.com/Svetlana Soloveva

A Capricorn will likely take an interest in you if you have a strong work ethic, lofty goals, and the intelligence or strategic planning to meet these goals. This is not a sign that is interested in dreaming, though they inherently understand the value of dreams as a form of motivation. However, compatibility with a Capricorn involves two feet, rooted in the real.

While a Capricorn born on December 25th has plenty of their own power and ambition, they will likely be seeking a match with someone equally strong. This is a sign that can be incredibly nurturing, loving, and indulging, but they will only want to share this side of themselves with someone who brings independence and a sense of humor to the relationship.

Because humor and levity are both traits we have yet to touch on when it comes to Capricorns, as they keep this so close to their chests. However, a unique sense of humor and the ability to make a Capricorn laugh is one of the fastest ways to their heart. They will see this as an opportunity to be vulnerable with you, in ways other than telling a joke.

Matches for December 25 Zodiac

The rest of your birth chart (particularly your Venus and Mars placements) will inform what people you are most compatible with in the zodiac. However, here are some other sun signs that work well with a Capricorn born on December 25th:

  • Virgo. A fellow earth sign though with a mutable modality, Virgos are a classic match for Capricorn. Highly intellectual but more flexible than Capricorns, Virgos won’t mind when a Capricorn needs to boss them around a little. Plus, both of these earth signs have similar levels of ambition, with progress and improvement exciting them both in a romantic relationship.
  • Aries. A potentially devastating match, Capricorns are often drawn to the fiery cardinal sign of Aries. Given that they are both cardinal signs, Aries and Capricorns may fight for control throughout a relationship. However, they are both equally passionate and ambitious, capable of seeing their love through the worst and coming out stronger for it.
  • Libra. Another cardinal sign, a Libra may attract a December 25th Capricorn more than other Capricorn birthdays. Air signs are inherently analytical, intelligent, and full of big ideas, something that will immediately attract a Capricorn to a Libra. While there may be some issues in terms of control, Libras inspire Capricorns with their commitment to justice and beauty.

The post December 25 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More appeared first on AZ Animals.

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