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Discover the 4 Smallest Deer Species in the World

There are over 40 different types of deer species worldwide, and a few of them are fun-sized! Take, for instance, the Visayan spotted deer. This rare, small deer can weigh as little as 55 pounds with a shoulder height of 2 feet.

Putting it in perspective, an average-sized whitetail deer can have a shoulder height of 3 feet and weigh around 160 pounds. The Visayan deer, it’s only the beginning, though! There are a few other deer species that are even smaller.

Keep reading to discover the 4 smallest deer species worldwide.

1. Pudu

Pudu - Smallest Deer species
The pudu is the world’s smallest deer, only reaching between 7 and 13 pounds.

©Anastasija Popova/Shutterstock.com

Meet the world’s smallest deer species, the pudu. These adorable Bambis usually weigh between 7 and 13 pounds, with heights just above a foot tall. Southern pudus are slightly bigger than the northern species. However, both species sizes are comparable to a small dog or an extra big house cat.

Pudus have a thick dark brown coat to warm their little bodies. Males sport small antlers that curve back without splitting.

Pudu might be small, but they’re also incredibly strong and determined. When fruit is available, these little deer will go all out to get it. They don’t let a lack of height become an issue, either.

If a delicious meal is too high up, little pudus stand on their back legs to reach it! If that doesn’t work, they can hop onto bamboo thickets, and some even climb trees! Their favorite foods include fruits, berries, succulent sprouts, shrubs, and leaves.

Pudus are solitary forest dwellers. When they aren’t roaming for food, they can be found at play, fighting, or skipping around. They also like scraping their teeth on different plants. Southern pudus love eating succulents, and the hydration allows them to go days without drinking anything.

2. Pygmy Brocket

Brocket Deer - Smallest Deer Species
Brocket deer generally weigh between 35 and 45 pounds.


The pygmy brocket is another one of the smallest deer species in the world. They have short stubby legs and weigh around 35 to 45 pounds. Native to South America, you can find these tiny deer in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.

Pygmy brockets are famous for having lovely red coats. They also have hints of black on their legs. Sometimes this small species is referred to as the little red rocket or dwarf red rocket deer.

Pygmy brockets are one of the smallest brocket deer alive. They are shy and can be found in pairs or wandering alone. On average, they can live between 8 and 12 years.

As herbivores, these tiny deers eat a diet consisting of fruit and leaves. Sometimes they’ll eat fungi when food sources are scarce. If agricultural fields or gardens are available, the pygmy brocket will definitely pass through. These deer may be small, but like pudus, their appetites are quite big!

3. Indian Hog Deer

Indian Hog Deer - Smallest Deer Species
At just over 14 inches, Indian hog deer are quite small.

©Kittisak Srithorn/Shutterstock.com

The Indian hog deer isn’t the tiniest species on this list, but they’re still tiny. On average, fully grown Indian hog deer weigh 80 pounds with a height of 14 inches.

The Indian hog deer are native to Pakistan, Nepal, Southeast Asia, India, and Bangladesh. There are also populations throughout Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. And introduced populations are living in Australia and the United States. Florida, Hawaii, and Texas are a few states with introduced populations of Indian hog deer.

Unfortunately, these small deer are currently an endangered species. They’ve lost much of their normal range, and the population numbers are dwindling. The majority of the hog deer numbers inhabit southeastern Asia.

When there’s enough food available, the Indian hog deer can live as long as 20 years. They enjoy eating tender shoots, flowers, fallen fruit, and other plants.

4. Chinese Water Deer

Water deer
Chinese water deer are only between 20 and 31 pounds fully grown.


The Chinese water deer is another one of the smallest deer species. Even when they’re fully grown, they only way an average of 20 to 31 pounds. This small deer species is native to the Korean Peninsula and China.

One of the Chinese water deer’s most popular characteristics is their overgrown canine teeth. Their teeth are fang-like, earning the nickname “vampire deer.” However, they also have cute rounded ears that make them look like teddy bears. So in a way, these small deer look like teddy bears with fangs!

The Chinese water deer live near swamps, rivers, and grasslands. These small herbivores deer enjoy eating all sorts of vegetation, including farm food, whenever they can raid crops. Beets are one of their favorite vegetables to eat.

Final Thoughts on the Smallest Deer Species in the World

There you have it! Now you know about some of the smallest deer species in the world. Which one was your favorite of the tiny deer in this article?

Did you fall in love with the fun-sized Chinese water deer, also known as the vampire deer? Or perhaps you have a soft spot for the world’s smallest deer species, the pudu.

Both the southern and northern pudu are small deer with big appetites. Popular for jumping up onto high bamboo thickets and climbing trees, pudus will do anything for fruit.

Small animals hold a special place in our hearts. Learn about more small species by checking out the articles below.

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